Energy Geotructures

Energy Geostructures explained

Energy Geostructures are an innovative solution for heating and cooling buildings with renewable energy coming directly from the ground.

The concept behind this technology is to take advantage of the reinforced concrete geotechnical structures (piles, slurry walls, etc.) that are needed anyway for structural reasons and transform them into “heat exchangers” by using the interacting soil as the renewable energy source.

A SMART investment with long-term benefits

Any type of reinforced concrete structure in contact with the ground can be thermally activated becoming an energy geostructure. Energy geostructures replace the classical geothermal shallow sources and eliminate the need for such additional investments.

In the case of a pile foundation system, it will provide the structural support for the building and it will also be the renewable energy source for its heating and cooling.

Any non-thermally activated geotechnical structure is a source of untapped, lost free energy!

In what type of geotechnical structures can the system be easily implemented?

Energy geostructures can cover up to 100% of the entire demand for heating and cooling of a building.

Rataining systems for urban excavations and for slopes stability

Foundations Systems on Piles

Underground parkings for which the energy is used for the surrounding buildings

Metro Lines and Stations


Exploit the energy potential

of infrastructures

Energy geostructures contribute to CO2 emissions reduction being a sustainable source of renewable energy.


Soil is a renewable energy source regardless of its location

Local source

Energy from local source, without any cost fluctuations

CO2 reduction

Contributes directly to the CO2 emissions reductions


Reduced implementation costs compared to similar technologies


Low costs for heating and cooling during exploitation


Excellent solution for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings

Steps needed for the sucessful implementation
of energy gestructures

Thermal Characterisation of the site

Geotechnical Design

Energy Design

Monitoring and optimisation


Thermo-mechanical design

Reinforced concrete infrastructures can be transformed into heat exchangers!

Find out what are the steps for the implementation of energy geostructures

Find out how can we help

of application:

Energy Geostructures can be implemented in a large variety of structures and buildings being a sustainable solution for heating and cooling with renewable energy.

Office buildings
Residential buildings
Underground parking
Educational institutions
Subway and subway stations
Pilot-based bridges and viaducts