Evenimente GreenTAGS

Exploiting the thermal potential of the infrastructures

Leaders on the Romanian market in designing and monitoring energy geostructures, at GreenTAGS we offer support to our clients during all stages of implementation. We offer customized solutions applied to the requirements of each project, taking into account the particularities of the location in order to optimize the energy potential maintaining at the same time its strength and stability.

Cele mai recente evenimente

Zalău, Sălaj

Analysis of the potential energy coverage required for cooling and heating of the new building extension(2S+P+2E), by equipping the moulded walls supporting the underground garage.

Zalău, Sălaj

Public building & Historical Monument

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Foundation system on energy piles designed to support the new Office Building and Data Center and also to cover its energy demand for heating and cooling.

Oradea, Romania

Foundation system on energy piles designed to support the new Office Building and Data Center and also to cover its energy demand for heating and cooling.

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

A unique energy retaining structure designed to support the urban excavation needed for the construction of 3 new residential buildings. The structure will also provide renewable energy for the heating and cooling of the new buildings.